Myrtle Beach Trip and Fall Attorney Representation: Non-Maintained Restaurant Stair
The Stanley Law Firm represented a client who was injured in a trip and fall accident while on vacation in the Myrtle Beach area. Due to our experience in personal injury cases like this one, we were able to obtain a successful result for our client in the amount of $175,000.00.
In this trip and fall accident, our client was dining at a restaurant in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. As our client was headed to the restroom, the client’s foot was caught underneath a metal strip on a step that led to the lower level of the restaurant near the restroom. The client fell forward, severely twisting her right foot and knee, and landed on her right shoulder and right hip.
As a result of her fall, our client sustained a fifth metatarsal fracture of her right foot and a medial and lateral meniscal tear in her right knee. She underwent extensive physical therapy for her injuries. In addition, the client suffered from severe pain and swelling of her right knee, which required aspiration of fluid on several occasions.
In an effort to achieve a positive outcome for our client, the Stanley Law Firm hired a forensic architect to investigate the steps at the restaurant where our client tripped and fell. According to the investigation of our forensic architect, there were deficiencies with the maintenance of the stair at the location where the client’s fall occurred and those deficiencies represented violations of accepted construction and maintenance practices recommended by industry professionals. The forensic architect concluded that the lack of maintenance of the stair caused our client’s fall.
With the forensic architect’s opinion and photos, the personal injury attorneys at the Stanley Law Firm made a demand to the Myrtle Beach restaurant and eventually settled the claim against the restaurant for $175,000.00 prior to filing suit.