When it comes to an automobile accident, it is more common than not that the at fault driver is only carrying the minimum required liability coverage of $25,000. But what happens if your property damage and/or medical bills are well above that amount? This is where Stanley Law Firm and your own Underinsured Motorist Coverage can help! Read on to see how we’ve helped our clients with UIM.
Head-on Collision: Our client was hit when another driver crossed left of the center line. The at fault driver had state minimum insurance coverage of $25,000. Our client’s medical bills were over $135,000 and the liability insurance would only cover $25,000. We were able to pursue UIM coverage and recover an additional $250,000! Without this coverage, they would have owed over $85,000 in medical bills after the accident.
T-bone Accident: Our client was broadsided by a driver who ran a red light. The driver who caused the accident carried good liability coverage, so we were able to settle the case for $150,000. However, our client sustained great pain and suffering and was going to possibly need future treatments, so we were able to recover additional UIM coverage in the amount of $75,000.
These are just a couple of examples of how we’ve helped our clients with UIM insurance. The attorneys at Stanley Law Firm can maximize your UIM claim. They will evaluate all factors of the accident and your injuries, determining your damages, including lost income, pain and suffering, and any future costs you may incur due to your injuries. That’s why you need an experienced attorney – we fight for your rights!