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The attorneys at the Stanley Law Firm have been serving the people of Conway for almost 20 years. We’ve negotiated settlements and favorable outcomes for our clients covering a range of cases, including but not limited to: personal injury (tiip and fall accident), auto accidents, boating accidents, motorcycle accidents, and probate law.
One of South Carolina’s busiest and consequently most dangerous highways – Highway 501 – passes through Conway. It is a popular route that many visitors travel on to get to Myrtle Beach for their family vacation. Sometimes when you mix local residents who are trying to get to where they need to be with visitors who may be unfamiliar with the area’s roads, accidents can and often do happen.
Not only has the Stanley Law Firm successfully represented clients who have sustained serious injuries due to the negligence of other drivers, but we’ve also represented clients involved in an auto accident where there was no driver error.
By law, roads are required to be properly designed, constructed and maintained. Poorly maintained or defective road surfaces and signs can also lead to automobile accidents and serious injuries.
Here are just a few road defects drivers should be aware of:
Dangerous shoulder drop offs – A defective shoulder edge drop-off is a condition where there is a significant elevation change from one travel lane to another travel lane or between a travel lane and the adjacent shoulder of the road and that change exceeds standards as recommended by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) or other highway standards.
Uneven pavement – Uneven pavement can develop over time. Drivers who try to avoid or navigate these cracks, bumps and other imperfections can become distracted or lose control of their vehicle, resulting in an accident.
Potholes – Not only can potholes damage your car but, if significant enough, they can also cause you to lose control of the vehicle.
Water pooling – If the road is not designed properly pools of water can form on road surfaces during heavy rain or flooding, a significant issue in coastal areas, and cause vehicles to hydroplane.
Lack of guardrails – Guardrails are designed to absorb impact from an out-of-control car and prevent that vehicle from going into oncoming traffic or plunging down a sudden decline in elevation.
Missing signs – Road signs are vital to safe transportation. To name just a few: stop signs, yield signs, crosswalk signs, speed limit signs and other effectively alert drivers to how they can and can’t operate their motor vehicle. When signs are missing or damaged, the driver is in the dark and this could lead to a significant accident and injury.
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