Myrtle Beach Area Golf Cart Accident
The personal injury attorneys at the Stanley Law Firm represented a father and two daughters who were seriously injured by a distracted car driver while they were driving a golf cart.
In this case, the father and his two daughters were riding in their neighborhood when the distracted driver made a left turn and struck their golf cart. The father was thrown from the golf cart, hit the road, and was knocked unconscious. His daughters were also thrown off the golf cart. The golf cart was totaled.
As a result of this collision, the father had a head injury, broken clavicle, back sprain, right thumb fracture, and a large cut to his head. He was treated by his Orthopedic Surgeon with a splint to his right thumb and a shoulder sling. He was instructed in a range of home exercises and required to apply a heating pad to his cervical spine and shoulder. However, he continued to have pain and was eventually referred to physical therapy where he underwent several weeks of intensive physical therapy.
The daughters were also injured as a result of the distracted driver. One daughter had a large cut to her left arm and bruising to her left hip. She required stitches for the cut to her left arm. The other daughter had a head injury and sprain of the right ankle. She was placed in a splint for her right ankle when she was seen in the emergency room shortly after the accident. During her recovery, her orthopedic surgeon placed her in a shoe boot for several weeks in order to protect her foot and ankle and allow her injury to heal.
Prior to filing suit, the personal injury attorneys at the Stanley Law Firm settled the liability claims against the distracted driver for a six figure amount. One of the primary reasons for the settlements was probably that the driver was texting at the time of the collision. Unfortunately, car accidents caused by drivers that are texting and looking at social media are very common.
At the time of the settlements, the father and daughters commented that they were very surprised and pleased with the successful outcomes.